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Organization Management
Organization Management

Viewing organizational details, editing users and projects

Written by Aldion Ambari
Updated over a week ago

Home page - Organization Details

The default home page is the Organization Details that the user will see after the organization is successfully set up, as in the picture below. As mentioned before the user can view the details of the organization and take some actions depending on the role assigned, in this case the user is an owner so every action is allowed.

The red coloured numbers indicate the actions that the user can take. Number 1 and number 2 can be taken only from the current page in the picture.

  1. By clicking on the edit icon, a popup will be shown to the user with an option to change the name of the organization and confirm it.

  2. The ‘+ Add Owner’ button will also generate a popup where the user has the option to select the email of the users that have already been invited to the organization and assign them as owners.

  3. This option can be taken across the whole app not only in this page. Clicking the badge icon will display a dropdown with all the organization that the user has created and also is part of. Organizations with suspended status will not be shown in the dropdown unless the user is an owner of that organization.

  4. Next to the badge icon there is the current email that the user has been logged in, by clicking in this menu a dropdown will be shown with links that do the following actions:

    • Dashboard - redirects to the dashboard of the app

    • Docs - redirects to the current document

    • Tutorial - redirects the user to go through a tutorial on how Usetrace works

    • Sign Out - logs out the user

  5. In the left side of the page there is the left menu with which the user can browse through the pages of the app.

  6. The last option is a link that will redirect the user back to the dashboard.


The projects page offers several options for the user, of course also in this page actions that modify the project are allowed only if the user is an owner of the project or organization.

The red coloured numbers indicate the actions that the user can take.

  1. An input field to filter the projects that the user is owner or member of.

  2. This action will add a new project to the list. Clicking the button will display a popup to enter the name and url of the project to be created.

  3. The user can add members to the project by clicking on this button. This action will show a popup to add the users that are already invited to the organization and also choose their roles for the project.

  4. This action will redirect the user to another page where they can make certain changes to the project.

  5. To delete the project, the user can click on this button and a confirmation input will be shown to fill and finish the process.

Edit Projects

As mentioned above when the ‘Edit Project’ button is clicked the user will be redirected to a detailed page about the project, the picture below demonstrates this. The actions that the user can take here depend on the project role, except the case where the user is an owner of the organization, then all actions are allowed no matter the project role.

The red coloured numbers indicate the actions that the user can take.

  1. Redirects the user back to the projects list.

  2. Editing the project name.

  3. Editing the project URL.

  4. Same action as in the Projects page, the user can add members by going through the same process.

  5. The user can choose what role the members in the project should have. Every admin of the project also has this privilege.

  6. Hovering on the email will show the ‘Remove from project’ action which will show a confirmation popup. The project cannot be left without an owner so in this case this action won’t be processed. Every admin of the project has the privilege to remove another member.

  7. Same action as in the Projects page, the user can delete the current project.


The users page shows all members and owners of the current organization that the user is in.

The red colored numbers indicate the actions that the user can take.

  1. An input field to filter the users that are part of the organization.

  2. This button shows a popup to enter emails that the user wants to send an invitation to. After the invitation is sent, that particular user will be in the members list with a ‘pending invitation’ status which means that the user hasn’t still responded to the invitation. While in this status, on hover to the user there will be an option to resend the invitation or cancel it.

  3. By default the tab ‘Members’ is shown, but the user can also change the tab by clicking on the owners to see the owners list.

  4. As in the Edit Project page, here the user can choose what role other users in the organization should have. Only admins and owners of the organization have this privilege.

  5. Hovering on the email will show the ‘Remove Access’ action. Every admin or owner of the organization has the privilege to remove access to another user.

User Roles & Permissions

User Permissions are based on 2 levels: Organization wise and Project wise permissions.

Organization wise permissions are the following:

  • Owner or admin can do everything (except the owner is tied to the business account).

  • Members cannot edit the organization or invite new members.

  • Members can create new projects, but cannot edit the projects unless they are an admin of that particular project.

Project wise permissions are the following:

  • Admin can edit project

  • Member can only view the project and execute traces as usual

  • Organization members must be part of the project specifically if they want to interact with the projects in the dashboard, otherwise it’s not necessary.

  • Organization owner can execute every action in any project without being part of the project.

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